
Blog posts tagged with 'Tube Amplifier'

Tube Amplifier Components available at Standard Radio- Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tube Amplifier Components available at Standard Radio

For many years Standard Radio has been a valuable supplier of components to the both OEM & "Homebrew" Amplifier Market.

Among our most popular products for these applications are: 

Axial Lead Electrolytic Capacitors (Sprague TVA series, CDE WBR series, Mallory TC series)

Dipped Mica Capacitors 

Film Capacitors (Everything from Mallory type 150 to WIMA Minibox types)

High Voltage Ceramic Disc Capacitors

Vitamin Q style Metal Case Capacitors

Fuses & Fuseholders


Jacks, Plugs & Sockets (Switchcraft, Neutrik, TRW/Cinch & others)

Power Cords, Fans, Miniature Lamps, Assemblies & Lighting Devices 

Whether you are a large manufacturer with Worldwide distribution or simply modifying an amp on your kitchen table there's a good chance we can save you time & money on Component sourcing.

Please contact  us today!

Tags :  Tube Amplifier