
Sourcing Electronic Components

In an effort to help people identify and source the components they need this blog has been created. In the over 30 years that I have been buying and selling electronic components, I have seen many changes. In 1977 the slogan used by the Sprague Electric Company to sell its components was “don’t be vague ask for Sprague”. They were one of the biggest names in the industry. Today the name Sprague is not used very often. The Sprague Electric Company was purchased by Vishay Intertechnology in 1992 and even though some of the most popular part numbers such as the 30D series, a 105 degree axial aluminum electrolytic capacitor, are still being made many of the others have been discontinued.

Technology has reduced the demand for that particular style of capacitor and many of the other series that have been discontinued. If you need a particular type of capacitor and that part number has been discontinued you know that finding an alternate to use can be both difficult and time consuming. Even if the number you need is still currently being offered by the current manufacturer of the part you need in most cases you find that it is not in stock and has a long lead time.

What I hope to do with this blog is provide you with options. I will discuss a particular part number or style of capacitor and comment on is current market condition, any changes in the part number, what the part numbers are for exact replacements or upgrades that you can use to shorten or eliminate long lead time. In general I intend to make this type of information available in an effort to help you with parts that are creating a problem for you or your companies supply chain.

I hope that you will contact me with suggestions or comments on what I can do to improve this blog or for parts you need help in finding or replacing.