


HT57Y500KA is in our stock. As of 3/3/2025 we have 24 pieces on hand ready for same day shipping.

To obtain current pricing, please fill the Quote Request form below or call us at (631) 234-3330.

Picture of HT57Y500KA

HT57Y500KA Availability

Part NumberManufacturerDate CodeIn StockSKU
HT57Y500KA HEC N/A 22 1180001300
857-50Z CRL N/A 2 1180000505
HT57Y500KA HEC 10 0 1180000986
HT57Y500KA HEC 16 0 1180001133
HT57Y500KA HEC 17 0 1180001167
HT57Y500KA HEC 18 0 1180001195
HT57Y500KA HEC 20 0 1180000845
HT57Y500KA HEC N/A 0 1180000875
HT57Y500KA HEC N/A 0 1180001301

Request Quote for HT57Y500KA

Part Number


Quantityexample: 500
Your Offerexample: 1.25

HT57Y500KA Specifications

ConstructionTrimming Capacitor

HT57Y500KA Alternate Numbers

Part NumberAlternate
HT57Y500KA HT57Y500
HT57Y500KA T500K99COGW8570
HT57Y500KA 857-50Z